Tim SOT - Security services website

From a mess, to a lead capturing machine.
Sometimes the simplest solutions work best. If a website is built without a goal in mind, there is no wonder why it doesn't achieve any. When the company approached us, they had an existing website. It had a little of everything resulting in a confusing ball of unstructured information. Even if someone wanted to find a specific info, already part of that site, he wouldn't be able to.
Once we set a clear goal of the new site, things started falling in the right places. The goal was simple - the site had to bring leads to the sales department.
We removed everything from the old site - very interesting pieces of info from the industry and about the company, but info which no one cared for.
Also we made photos and helped the company with its copy. Then packed that in a clean, comprehensive and responsive design.
The new site is a showcase of the services the company presented, with a simple contact form. Later, based on the feedback from the sales department, we updated the site with more information, but one which the customers actually sought.
The result is a very simple web site which does one thing, but does it well - it sells.