Retailer CRM

Real Estate Platform rebuilding
This is a project we've been involved in thanks to our partnership with SensioLabs.
Our team had to rebuild an already existing website - a Real Estate Portal that was getting difficult to maintain and use.
Working within the requirements of the client, the team employed a number of improvements:
- Implemented a new backend architecture and completely rewrote the frontend while preserving the site appearance and features
- Following the client's complex demands, the team automated a process for importing the real estate data featured on the site
- Implemented a simple search engine that allowed users to find real estates based on multiple features and classification criteria, via autocomplete suggestions
- Implemented similar search for finding real estate agents, this time combined with an interactive map which the users could also use in their search
- Implemented an email notification system which allowed users to send questions and messages to real estate agents, share estates with other people, or be notified about events on estates they have interest in
- Of course, the site's implementation supported localization and all entities were translatable as the site was featured in several countries